Fostering excellence in imaging across scales and domains
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Our holistic vision on imaging
The EPFL Center for Imaging strives to accelerate discoveries in imaging and translate them to applications, favoring the reliance on shared tools and resources for the EPFL community.
By looking at imaging through a unifying lens across scales and applications, we nurture a thriving imaging network on campus and work to design common solutions to shared problems.

They support our work
Acquire top-level skills in imaging
See how the EPFL Center for Imaging fosters top-level training in imaging for EPFL students and research staff.

A word from our imaging community
Kaz Sakamoto & Ankita Singhvi
PhD Students - HERUS - ENAC
Andrea Settimi
PhD Student - iBOIS - ENAC
Robert Mills
PostDoc - MOBOTS - STI
A question on the Center?
Get in touch!
Contact us if you have any questions or require support in the field of imaging.