Student Projects

Find your student project in imaging


Skills in high demand by industry and academia

Due to the exploding production of imaging data in space and time, there is a substantial need in Switzerland for graduates who master core imaging skills from the acquisition to the data analysis. Practical skills in the domain are an especially valuable and sought-for complement to one's main training!


Our student projects

The EPFL Center for Imaging (co-)supervises many interdisciplinary student projects in imaging; check them out!

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Student projects offered by EPFL's imaging labs

Check out the full list of EPFL labs proposing exciting student projects in imaging for the next semester.

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3 researchers discuss

Master projects in industry

Many companies in Switzerland are eager to host EPFL students with a training in optics and vision, as imaging solutions are required in a large number of the systems they deliver to their customers. Check out the EPFL Internship Platform to access the full list of available Master projects in industry.


A question on the Center? Get in touch!

Contact us if you have any questions or require support in the field of imaging.
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BM 4142 (Bâtiment BM)
Station 17
1015 Lausanne