Find your student project in imaging

Skills in high demand by industry and academia
Due to the exploding production of imaging data in space and time, there is a substantial need in Switzerland for graduates who master core imaging skills from the acquisition to the data analysis. Practical skills in the domain are an especially valuable and sought-for complement to one's main training!

Our student projects
The EPFL Center for Imaging (co-)supervises many interdisciplinary student projects in imaging; check them out! We often have unlisted projects, so feel free to send us an email specifying your interests for an imaging project.
Python software development for automated single-cell protein isolation with a CryoWriter
Interactive Visualization of Scientific Image Datasets
Deep Learning System for Automated Segmentation and Object Classification in Scientific images
AI-driven Image Analysis Software Tools Recommender System
3D Contact Angle Measurements and Image Analysis in Solid-Oxide Cell Materials
Bringing deep-denoising into X-ray CT reconstruction
VesselSeg - A Deep Learning Segmentation Model for Scientific Images of Filament-Like Structures
Cell Segmentation of adipose cells tissue by advanced image-analysis techniques
Analysis of the Spatial Organisation of Nuclei in Human Breast Epithelium
Tumor growth monitoring in X-ray CT images
Automated image analysis of tau fibrils in the human Alzheimer's disease brain
Characterization of myelin structure using image analysis techniques

Master projects in industry
Many companies in Switzerland are eager to host EPFL students with a training in optics and vision, as imaging solutions are required in a large number of the systems they deliver to their customers. Check out the EPFL Internship Platform to access the full list of available Master projects in industry.
A question on the Center?
Get in touch!
Contact us if you have any questions or require support in the field of imaging.