Listen to world-leading experts in imaging

The EPFL Seminar Series in Imaging
Imaging plays a central and ever-increasing role in science and engineering. From the nano to the macro scale, it allows us to capture, quantify, and visualize physical phenomena with unprecedented resolution in both space and time.
It is also the interdisciplinary discipline par excellence. From sample preparation to optical design and image processing, imaging workflows nowadays require the convergence of numerous skills and expertise.
Mindful of this “imaging sweet-spot”, the EPFL Center for Imaging aims at bringing together the best from worldwide experts in imaging through a series of high-visibility talks with interdisciplinary appeal.

The Scientific Images Exhibition 2024
Upcoming seminars

Quantifying Quality in Fluorescence Microscopy
Fluorescence microscopy is a central technique for quantifying the spatiotemporal distribution of cellular compartments. However, the ability to accurately retrieve biological information from images depends strongly on the quality of the data. The perceived quality of fluorescence microscopy images can be improved by imaging with higher illumination doses, however this comes at the cost of potentially damaging and altering the behaviour of living samples. To reduce the impact of noise when acquiring at lower illumination densities, image processing techniques have been developed, many of which are based on AI. Here, we interrogate quality metrics which are commonly used to assess the performance of image processing methods. These methods are commonly used in microscopy, but have their origins in computer vision. We show that these metrics report not just image quality, but also other characteristic features of fluorescence microscopy images, which can confound their interpretation. We also quantify how predictive these metrics are of successful downstream image analysis for a variety of common tasks, and discuss how and when these metrics should be best used.
Bio: Siân Culley is a Royal Society University Research Fellow who started her group at King’s College London in 2021. Her interests are in how microscopy methods can be tailored to best fit biological questions, with a particular focus on assessing data quality and reliability. Prior to starting her group she did postdoctoral work with Ricardo Henriques at UCL, developing open source methods for super-resolution fluorescence microscopy.

Developing imaging technologies to search for, discover, and understand ocean life
As lead of the Bioinspiration Lab, Kakani and her group investigates ways that imaging can enable observations of life in the deep sea. By developing novel imaging and illumination tools (e.g., DeepPIV and EyeRIS), automating the classification of underwater visual data using artificial intelligence (FathomNet), and integrating algorithms on vehicles (ML-Tracking) for robotic vehicle missions (e.g., Mesobot, LRAUV) to consistently and persistently observe ocean life, their efforts will increase access to biology and related phenomena in the deep sea. If successful, the Bioinspiration Lab hopes to spark collaborative research and engineering innovations inspired by poorly understood inhabitants living in the least explored habitat on our planet.
Bio: Kakani Katija completed her bachelor's degree in Aeronautics and Astronautics at the University of Washington in 2004. She furthered her studies, earning a Master's in Aeronautics in 2005 at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) and her Doctorate at Caltech in 2010 in Bioengineering. She served as a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute.Katija was awarded research fellowships from both the American Society for Engineering Education and the National Science Foundation to conduct graduate research. As a certified research diver, she has conducted field studies in various locations throughout the world, including research completed in 2009 off the coast of the Palau archipelago. The goal of this study was to understand the physics involved in the movement of jellyfish. The science team discovered the jellyfish not only push water into their bells but drag an almost constant flume of water behind them. This discovery led Katija to study how marine life contributes to mixing the ocean. Katija's work also includes understanding how much sea creatures mix fluid in the ocean at rates comparable to winds and tides. Katija now leads the Bioinspiration lab at the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute in Moss Landing, California, where she has developed DeepPIV, a research tool intended to make conducting experiments in ocean habitats less invasive and improve marine research techniques. She has participated in two expeditions on board R/V Falkor - Designing the Future and Designing the Future 2 testing the newly developed technologies on board. Imagery from the use of the DeepPIV used on board Schmidt Ocean Institute's R/V Falkor, is available on SketchFab.

Meta Devices for Photonics and Quantum
Specially designed meta-structure components can mass-produce artificial nano-array structures through semiconductor microelectronics fabrication procedures, and can manipulate the phase, polarization, and amplitude of electromagnetic waves. Meta-devices can meet a variety of current urgent needs, such as novel functions, lightweight, small size, higher efficiency, better performance, broadband operation, lower energy consumption, compatibility with semiconductor mass processing technology, etc. This talk reports on the design, manufacturing and novel applications of optical meta-devices, such as achromatic meta-lens, advanced imaging, intelligent sensing, nonlinear generation of vacuum ultraviolet light, medical and biological imaging, 6G communications, tunable meta-structures, high-dimensional quantum light source, etc. We believe that meta-devices have opened up a new avenue for future developments of next-generation devices in fields such as micro-robotic vision, autonomous driving, vehicle sensors, virtual and augmented reality, personal miniature security systems, bio-medical devices, advanced medical care, and quantum information technology, etc.
Bio: Din Ping TSAI He is a Chair Professor of Dept. of Electrical Engineering, City Univ. of Hong Kong. He is Fellow of AAAS, APS, COS, EMA, IEEE, JSAP, NAI, OSA, SPIE, and AAIA, respectively. He is Member of the International Academy of Engineering (IAE), and Academician of the Asia-Pacific Academy of Materials (APAM) and Hong Kong Academy of Engineering (HKAE), respectively. He is the author of 388 refereed papers. He was granted 69 patents for 45 innovations. He was invited speaker for international conferences more than 355 times (31 Plenary Talks, 66 Keynote Talks). He received more than 40 prestigious recognitions and awards, including “Mozi Award” from the International Society of Optical Engineering (SPIE) in 2018; “Global Highly Cited Researchers,” by Web of Science Group (Clarivate Analytics) in 2020 and 2019, respectively; China’s Top 10 Optical Breakthroughs in 2020 and 2018, respectively; and 2024 Frontiers of Science Award; etc.
The Scientific Images Exhibition 2024
Explore our previous events
Review our former seminars and watch recordings if available.

Revolutionizing Cellular Imaging: Harnessing Label-Free Flow Cyto-Tomography for Advanced Suspended Cell Analysis

Diffusion Models for Computational Imaging Problems

Exploring and Explaining: Leveraging data visualization for research, communication and public health

Content Aware Image Restoration for Light and Electron Microscopy

On Instabilities, Paradoxes and Barriers in Deep Learning

Super-Resolution in Diffraction Microscopy

Reflection Matrix Approaches for Imaging

On Micro and Nano Imaging ghcmcm

Ultrastructural Expansion Microscopy

Video Understanding and Robotics Manipulation (AMLD 2020)

Imaging: From Compressed Sensing to Deep Learning

Structural Analysis with Cryo-Transmission Electron Microscopy

Functional Ultrasound Imaging gcmbvc

Shedding Light on Tumour Evolution

Machine Learning for Bioimage Informatics (AMLD 2020)

Imaging the Unseen: Taking the First Picture of a Black Hole

Reconstruction of Cryo-EM Images of Proteins at Atomic Resolution

Imaging: Intelligence on the Nanoscale

End-to-end Learning for Computational Microscopy

Imaging the Planet for a Sustainable Future

3D Imaging of Cells by FIBSEM with Correlation to cryoFLM

Beyond the First Portrait of a Black Hole

Mapping 3D Nanostructures with X-Ray Ptychography

Modeling Deep Networks: Network Learning for Image Processing

Integrating Physical and Learned Models

Joint Optimization of Learning-Based Image Reconstruction and K-Space Trajectories for MRI

Imaging using X-ray scattering Contrast to Bridge the Nano and Macroscale

From differential equations to deep learning for inverse imaging problems

Generative AI, Stable Diffusion, and the Revolution in Visual Synthesis

Scanning Ion Conductance Microscopy

Posterior-Variance-Based Error Quantification for Inverse Problems in Imaging

Future of Bioimaging: Next Generation Instruments & Artificial Intelligence

Normalizing Flows and the Power of Patches in Inverse Problems

Simultaneous 3D imaging in Biology with Multifocus Microscopy

Deep Learning-enabled Computational Microscopy and Diffractive Imaging

Visualizing mechanical properties in biology using Brillouin microscopy

Correlative cryoSEM-CryoNanoSIMS mapping of vitrified biological tissue

Model-Based Machine Learning for Inverse Problems in Imaging

Generalized locality for lightweight, robust AI-driven imaging

Unique X-ray microscopy capabilities at SLS2.0: dynamic tomographic imaging and beyond
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