The EPFL Minor in Imaging

A holistic program in imaging from sensors to AI.
The EPFL Minor in Imaging covers theoretical and practical aspects in imaging from acquisition (instrumentation, optics) to computation (image processing, data science), covering applications across scales from nano to macro.
These interdisciplinary competencies are increasingly valuable in both industry and academia due to the widespread use of imaging and its reliance on a large palette of technologies. The course offers a broad training allowing students to adapt to the diversity of (imaging) challenges they may face in the future.

Broaden your career horizon
Transversal program that covers theoretical and pratical aspects in imaging
Imaging is the interdisciplinary fields par excellence
Imaging skills are in increasing demand by the industry and academic world
List of courses
The Minor (30 ECTS) is composed of at least 22 ECTS of courses and 8 ECTS of mandatory student project. The courses offer a wide range of imaging concepts and skills, from instrumentation techniques to image processing analysis. They vary in their level of abstraction, from purely theoretical courses to fully applied ones. In this interdisciplinary minor, students are encouraged to take courses from both groups depending on what is relevant to their degree. All students have to do an interdisciplinary project related to imaging field to validate the minor.

The Minor in Imaging is open to all EPFL Master students.
- Mathematics (basis of linear algebra and analysis)
- Basis of programmation (with notion of at least one programming language)
- Basis of physics
Contact us if you have any doubts about the prerequisites.
Students have to register on IS-Academia before the second Friday of the semester (after that deadline they can register with their section).
- Minor in Photonics: specific to instrumentation aspect
- Minor in Biomedical Technologies: specific to biomedical imaging
- Minor in Data Science: specific to data analysis
Student Project
The Minor includes a mandatory interdisciplinary project of 8 ECTS.
- Drive the development of software tools that benefit the imaging community at large
- Students can find a list of projects and labs (see below).
- Whenever possible, we encourage students to undertake a project co-supervised by two labs with complementary imaging expertise.
- The project can be done during the autumn or spring semester.
- We recommend students to do the project toward the end of the Master cycle so that students can apply the knowledge acquired during the minor.
- Students are encouraged to present their work at the Minor in Imaging Day.
- Send the project proposal to the coordinator of the minor to validate it. (
- Once it has been validated register on IS-Academia. Note that the registration deadline for the project is the same as the other classes.
How to register?
Deadline to register : before the end of the MA1 (first semester of each students’ Master studies)
Fill the registration form and send it to the coordinator
Once the registration form has been validated, register on IS-Academia for the Minor and inform the secretariat of your section.
A question on the Center?
Get in touch!
Contact us if you have any questions or require support in the field of imaging.