Imaging Platforms

Our imaging platforms: advancing research with cutting-edge instruments and expertise

Imaging Platforms

The cornerstone of EPFL's thriving imaging ecosystem

At EPFL, six platforms provide researchers and industry partners with access to the latest imaging infrastructure and expert support. They also serve as hubs for knowledge and technology exchange across the campus.


Browse our imaging platforms


Bio-Imaging and Optics Platform

Light microscopy and bio-image analysis
  • Training and consultation on designing, running and analyzing experiments using light microscopy
  • Teaching of multiple Master and PhD courses in microscopy and image processing
Hardware type:
Head of platform:
Arne Seitz

Center for Biomedical Imaging

Multimodal Imaging and Spectroscopy for Clinical and Preclinical interdisciplinary studies
  • Expertise in EEG, MRI, PET, Signal Processing and access to state-of the-art infrastructure
  • Practical training on use of the equipment and safety rules
  • Set-up of protocols and experiments
  • Data acquisition and analysis

Hardware type:
Head of platform:
Pina Marziliano

Dubochet Center for Imaging

Cryo-electron microscopy
  • Advice on use of electron microscopy for targeted research questions
  • Training on electron microscopes and data processing software
  • Electron microscopy “full-services”
  • On-the-fly image processing
Hardware type:
Head of platform:
Christel Genoud

Interdisciplinary Center for Electron Microscopy

Electron microscopy
  • Evaluation on feasibility, demonstration of sample preparation, setting up of new
  • Customized experimental procedures and initial measurements
  • Scientific support for data processing and data analysis
  • Electron microscopy “full-services”
Hardware type:
Head of platform:
Marco Cantoni

Interdisciplinary Platform for X-ray tomography

Visualization and characterization of natural and engineered materials
  • Advice on use of micro-CT for targeted research questions
  • Feasibility studies: evaluation on feasibility, sample preparation, setting up of new
  • Customized experimental procedures and measurements
  • Scientific support for data processing and data analysis.
Hardware type:
Head of platform:
Turberg Pascal, Pittet Lionel, Taureg Albert

A question on the Center?
Get in touch!

Contact us if you have any questions or require support in the field of imaging.