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November 27, 2024
Scientists quantify aerosols based on sea state
A research team led by EPFL scientists has developed a system that provides key insight into the relationship between sea spray aerosols, sea state and atmospheric conditions. The system was mounted on an icebreaker and carried across vast regions of the Arctic to collect and analyze valuable data.
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July 21, 2022
EPFL lab to digitize 1,000m2 'Swiss national treasure'
Sarah Kenderdine, head of the Laboratory for Experimental Museology, is leading the digitization and valorization of the Panorama of the Battle of Murten – a 100 x 10-meter work created in 1893 by German panorama painter Louis Braun – in an undertaking that promises to yield one of the largest digit
July 19, 2022
Computer genetic metrics of fly brain reveal sex differences
Thanks to genetic tools that allow computers to accurately count neurons from microscopy images, EPFL researchers have estimated with unprecedented accuracy the number of neurons and other types of cells in the brain of fruit fly larvae—and discovered that females have substantially more neurons tha
July 13, 2022
“I very much like the collaborative aspect of research”
Marianne Liebi, a new tenure-track assistant professor at EPFL and the Paul Scherrer Institute, is setting up a lab at EPFL to further explore the structure of soft matter materials using X-ray scattering.
July 13, 2022
Monitoring city mobility from the skies
EPFL researchers have used swarms of drones to measure city traffic with unprecedented accuracy and precision. Algorithms are then used to identify sources of traffic jams and recommend solutions to alleviate traffic problems.
May 25, 2022
Radio astronomy to foster Swiss research and industry
By becoming a member of the SKA Observatory (SKAO), the largest and most ambitious radio astronomy collaboration in the world, Switzerland intends to foster Swiss research and industry while contributing to an international initiative that promises to revolutionize our understanding of the Universe.
May 16, 2022
NeuroMechFly: a digital twin of Drosophila
EPFL scientists have developed a digital model of the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, which realistically simulates the movements of the animal. The twin is a big step towards reverse engineering the neuromechanical control of animal behavior, and developing bioinspired robots.
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