Find your student project in imaging
Skills in high demand by industry and academia
Due to the exploding production of imaging data in space and time, there is a substantial need in Switzerland for graduates who master core imaging skills from the acquisition to the data analysis. Practical skills in the domain are an especially valuable and sought-for complement to one's main training!
Our student projects
The EPFL Center for Imaging (co-)supervises many interdisciplinary student projects in imaging; check them out! We often have unlisted projects, so feel free to send us an email specifying your interests for an imaging project.
How much can we trust lab x-ray tomography volume measurements?
Machine learning and imaging-based feedback for ‘smart’ cancer organoids culture automation
Automated lung detection and segmentation by deep learning
Student projects offered by EPFL's imaging labs
Check out the full list of EPFL labs proposing exciting student projects in imaging for the next semester.
Master projects in industry
Many companies in Switzerland are eager to host EPFL students with a training in optics and vision, as imaging solutions are required in a large number of the systems they deliver to their customers. Check out the EPFL Internship Platform to access the full list of available Master projects in industry.